jeudi 15 mars 2012

Voyance, science et société

Yves Lignon is a member of the Department of Mathematics at the University Mirail in Toulouse, editor of the Journal of Parapsychology French, founder of GEEPP-Parapsychology Laboratory of Toulouse. This article focuses on the failure of our society to the problem of clairvoyance, particularly through its crooks.

There are nearly ten years (January 1993) a magazine published by a public agency, 50 MILLIONS OF CONSUMERS, published a remarkable survey of "clairvoyance" and related professions called parapsychological phenomena, investigation, despite a number questionable (estimated at 20,000 while the number of professionals based on the declaration of an editor who specializes may want to minimize it was to stick to a valid number probably in the mid 80s and that n has grown steadily since) had the merit of trying to draw attention to a festering wound of contemporary French society: the descent into the irrational. A wound that continues to a secondary infection, that at least one point on which we can reach agreement with a Nobel Prize who spoke recently. Until then and for almost 30 years I am interested in this problem I've found that most of the time only journalists (majority-owned print media) returned to him insistently.

If one can find, I insist on certain feathers of relevant investigations and vigorous there are also just off the gallons of oil spilled on the fire and arson by indifference. How many times on TV we have been presented as virtually established - but yes - the appearance of dead and prompting thousands of people that death has plunged in affliction to pounce on their phone? In these circumstances the operation of moral distress reached the industrial stage. Beside that you can also see on the screens of champions of the anti-quackery which unfortunately are too often absent when it comes into action on the ground in advising and assisting the Justice psychologically victims scams. I have never found beside me and yet I flatter myself to have a track record in this matter fairly thick. The last false "seer" I could somewhat bored with the support of the newspaper ... "TEAM" (yes), shamelessly used a photo in which she was seen near Zinedine Zidane. As one might expect the famous footballer whose kindness is well known had simply agreed to pose alongside a supposed admirer who returned "seer" intensely used (and free) advertising a good argument.

It addresses a different issue. Our anti-charlatans are often members of the scientific community, extending the scope of their speech, declare roundly not find in these stories of parapsychology and dangerous hoax. A hoax justifying violent attacks against other scientists who have made the mistake of thinking them a little good grain grows perhaps the middle of the field of weeds and that, under these conditions, to oppose the rush to the irrational is best to learn how to distinguish one from another. It's called education.

The scientistic ideology, still dominant in academic French, among other negative effects of the mask (sic) the existence of the record of experimental scientific parapsychology (1). Patiently built a folder and constantly thickening through the efforts of highly graduates, abroad, often working in academic institutions perfectly. While it would be wrong to say that this issue has won the conviction of the people of knowledge as a whole (I exclude of course the latter those who do not even bother to examine the results presented to them). Several important debates that were held, including the United States and courtesy (this is where that begins respect for persons), confirm the contrary, that opinion remains divided. And since this is so I will think that it is not very honest to proclaim, as is done in France, that the scientific community is unanimous, it speaks with one voice when some of its most eminent representatives tell us that we can move as there is nothing to do.

The possibility of the reality of psychic phenomena problem can not be challenged by who takes the trouble to study this famous case and its environment. But these phenomena if they exist (2) do not resemble that from far away to the description which is given by the advertisements of many "seers" professionals is also clear from reading the same documents. It is thus well explaining what really are the results of laboratory and not by negating them, arc goodness of an outdated ideology since the 19th century that will allow the public, as requested, to sort out.

As he asks yes: for eight years I hosted a show on RADIO SOUTH designed to provide such answers, to allow me to explain that, contrary to popular belief, science does not deny but systematically parapsychology only what the sharks fall under this term. It is to the credit of the private radio station that giving me this opportunity and that's good because the covered area (bounded by Bayonne, Bordeaux, Périgueux, Mende, Nimes and Perpignan) broadcast ratings have soared. And further evidence has quickly become: if face, eg, a premonitory dream scientist retires to his tent talking about the quack nonsense occupies the ground freely.

In the meantime - you never know-that educational policy is on this development led to ethics can not tolerate unscrupulous individuals exploit methodically psychological distress. Yet so many microphones (including, unfortunately, in the public service) without precautions are open to so-called "lights" that respond almost exclusively to matters relating to employment problems and of married life. This is because of this happened to me several times, at the request of social workers, to meet the unemployed and welfare recipients mage clinging to their radio as addicts to their syringe.

As we are not the Wild West must therefore rely on Justice since it has the means to intervene on the basis of all the texts relating to fraud, false advertising, the exploiting the weakness etc ... Already in 1988 the memory "and became Justice", written by students of the School of Magistrates, was quite explicit about the possibilities but also about the shortages. For what are the judges? Apart from actions very well come in a few cases where the scam really was too big (ring affair Regula) the complaints are closed (again I know what I mean) or the judgments too lenient. In an advanced society of Justice does not yet should it protect the weak? But when a woman alone and earning the SMIC, with two children in school, I provide a list of checks issued to a "light" for a total of almost 800 euros as the character refuses to pay what is the letter that she is not sufficient to address a prosecutor wants to at least go see what's going on? I'm willing to bet that further complaints would not have failed. When a so-called "clairvoyant", provides in ad spending, said to have noisily customer a famous actor, when he, on my initiative, demented, when the local press gave wide coverage to the story than is necessary is there more? It is true that to have continued in magistrate shall obtain from some of its customers, property in dubious circumstances the individual is so well drawn that business continues to spread its advertising without anyone does not seem to care about the source of its finances. And "medium" Toulouse is known that there is little that Zidane was not there that bounce. For years, often with the help of journalists - they always - I tried to draw her to the attention of Justice by sending testimony after testimony, I asked in vain that we ask ourselves again the question of the origin of resources to the importance of promotional spending. To obtain a conviction it took the obstinacy of a family with the means to pay fees to a famous lawyer. Suspended sentence followed by a leisurely recovery. Other victims, those who took the cash in the household to see this "visionary" is offering to lag larigot full-page ads in major magazines they still have their eyes to weep. (3).

And to those who would just say that we must do well with this situation since it is the consequence of the economic situation or some sort of morbid society should stress once again the existence of a precedent: that of Germany in the late 20s. Viewed as not there be more often the first films of Fritz Lang! It reveals easily that this country who would throw herself into the arms of the Nazis was first seen, too, a proliferation of impostors of the paranormal.

(1) Who wants to open that folder for the first time, two books published by Presses du Chatelet: Dean Radin (2000): "Consciousness invisible" and Erik Pigani (1999): "Psi, investigating paranormal phenomena". Because it is more than the other for the general public this second book is also available in pocket (I Lu).

(2) We know that in my case I'm not speaking here in the conditional when I am asked my opinion.

(3) A magistrate told the microphone SOUTH RADIO between a child abuse case, another of fraudulent bankruptcy and a lawsuit against a "seer" had to choose well and showing a lack of resources suffered by the Justice in our countries also plays a role. Another anecdote is also significant. A "light" that was rampant with impunity in Toulouse (400 000) was pinned immediately when he made the mistake to relocate to Montauban (55 000 inhabitants).

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