dimanche 25 mars 2012

The web pages are written in html (the files have the extension. Html or. Htm). This language does not require any special software, it is possible to write HTML (web pages so) just in the notepad windows.
But to avoid learning the HTML language, there is software that allows you to create pages very easily, with an interface resembling a word processor. These programs are called WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get: What you see is what you get when viewing the site).Example of programs: dreamweaver, frontpage.

This principle is however WYSIWYG perspective because there are several browsers (Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla ...) and web pages do not appear in exactly the same way on these browsers, look how displays your site in each of them to be accessible from any browser.We must not forget that not everyone has a different screen resolution (it varies depending on screen size: 15,17,19 ... inches), so the visible surface of your site may be different from a visitor to another.
The HTML language is the basic language of the web, this language is said to be static: it does not create interactivity between visitors and the site, such as with a forum, a guestbook, a poll.
For these things, we must use another language, the language php (. Php extension).For those who want to understand this language and to make scripts for themselves, there is an introduction to php on the site.Than others to worry, there are many free php scripts that there has to install. For example, the script phpbb, used for the site's forum.You will find scripts for example Comscripts, or phpscripts hotscripts (the latter site is in English).
Most php scripts require a database to work: this is a mysql database. Most free hosts do not make available to mysql database, check this before choosing your web host.Example of free web hosts that offer a mysql database: free, multimania.For more information, read the article on the web hosts web

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