The first experimental work in parapsychology were developed by JB Rhine at Duke University in the 1930s. Using the famous Zener cards, Rhine tried to show, using statistical tests, effects which he interpreted as evidence of the existence of extrasensory perception. Some psychologists have then attempted to replicate these findings. Some others are not arrived there. Since, parapsychologists have developed different protocols in order to arrive at highlighting reproducibly psi effects. For now, such an experiment has not yet emerged. However, there are different protocols that have been reproduced by independent teams, which led to significant results have not been explained until now: we can cite the work of the "telepathic dreams" at Maimonides Hospital but also Schmidt work on random number generators. Today, the most widely used protocol that allows the ganzfeld is to induce subjects into altered states of consciousness intended to promote perceptions psi.
Work J.B. Rhine
The creation of the first organizations of parapsychology (SPR and IMI) gave rise to qualitative work. At the beginning of the twentieth century, researchers collected the evidence and tried to verify their reliability and consistency. They then privileged experiences with gifted subjects. At that time, Charles Richet had proposed to study the so-called paranormal phenomena in the laboratory according to statistical analyzes. It's finally JBRhine, United States, which will implement this idea through the famous Zener cards (composed of five different symbols). It is also the origin of the term extrasensory perception (ESP).
Work on telepathic dreams
Montague Ullman and Stanley Krippner has conducted work on telepathic dreams at Maimonides Hospital in New York in the 1970s, particularly in order to verify if sleep could promote extra sensory perception (ESP).
The Ganzfeld
The Ganzfeld (uniform sensory field) is the most widely used protocol in parapsychology at the present time. He has been developed and improved by researchers such as Charles Honorton and Robert Morris for many years.
Remote viewing, CIA and Parapsychology
The Remote Viewing (Remote viewing in French) was developed in 1970 by Russell Targ and Hal Puthoff. This technique would identify with extra sensory perception, targets at distance.
Helmut Schmidt and the micro-psychokinesis
Helmut Schmidt is one of the first researchers to have conducted experiments in the field of micro-psychokinesis (micro-pk). Psychokinesis (pk) denotes possible action on a subject matter while the micro-pk More specifically this interaction at the quantum level.Experiments in micro-psychokinesis are intended to determine whether subjects are able to influence events at a quantum level.
The Global Consciousness Project
In the early 80's, experimental results for Psychophysical Research Laboratories researchers suggested that the subjects had an impact not only on the RNG (Random Number Generators) on which they focused, but also on the NEG "hidden". This first observation was taken up and developed by Roger Nelson of Princeton University, to groups in situations, for example groups of Holotropic breathing (a technique of therapy and personal development developed by psychiatrist Stan Grof) . He noted that the results of GNA have a particular profile, specific to the most intense emotional moments, not the moments of rest (eg, for explanations of the facilitator, or during breaks).
Research at PEAR on human-computer interactions
This document was prepared from an article published in English on the website "Wired News". It presents the research conducted at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Program (PEAR), an engineering laboratory of Princeton University who is studying possible interactions between man and machine.
The work of René Peoc'h: Chicks and micro-pk
Rene Peoc'ha realized by the mid-1980s, experiments with micro-psychokinesis chicks.These experiments were intended to show that in the presence thereof, they have made a mobile for their mothers, will move non-randomly. A summary of these experiments