Introduction of Dean Radin's book, "consciousness invisible"
Here are presented here one of the most famous experiments concerning scientific experimentation on clairvoyance. We draw this presentation of an interesting book that we owe to Jean-Michel Grandsire "Aime Michel or the quest for superhuman" (Michel Picard, 2000). This great French thinker and scholar who devoted much of his life studying paranormal phenomena gives us the account of this experience with an exceptional clairvoyant, Gerard Croiset. The Dutch took particular talents available to the police of his country to find the missing. His experiments were known worldwide. This "empty chair" takes us 6 January 1957 in the laboratory of the Institute of Parapsychology in Utrecht with the teachers Tenhaeff, Bretschneider and Schmit, physicists, Miss Louwerens, assistant of the Institute.
"It shows Croiset plan a large room where chairs are arranged thirty numbered 1-30. He was informed that, after February 1, The Hague, in a house unknown to him, thirty people, also unknown him, are met, each sitting on one of these chairs, and asked if he could give some details on one of these people's choice. Croiset once shows the chair 9. Here, a amazing number of details are given on a middle-aged woman, her character, her dating around a circus, a farm accident she frequented, three young men around her, the portrait of a maharajah, the emotion listening to opera Falstaff, the medal of his father, the visit of a little girl to the dentist recently, and so on.
January 31, were prepared at the Institute of thirty two packs of cards numbered 1-30. One of these packages was carefully beaten, then thirty cards were slipped into an envelope and sealed it. The next day (...) on the first floor, a spacious lounge, six rows of five chairs were arranged. The ladies Louwerens proceeded with the pack of cards that had not been sealed numbering of these chairs, according to the plan shown Croiset January 6.
Meanwhile, the guests who arrived one after the other, had gathered on the ground floor. When they were all there, Tenhaeff told them briefly the purpose of the meeting and technical experience. Then they distributed a mimeographed copy of the details given by Croiset, with prayer to each of them to read them carefully and note on the right, in the space left for that purpose, all the points that seemed to designate him personally.
Note that from this moment, each of thirty guests were able to say: "it's me" or "not me", yet the seats were not yet distributed. When the teacher told me of his experience Tenhaeff, I admit I shuddered for him, Croiset, and all the organizers of this fantastic evening and reckless. For, after all, even if Croiset had guessed something, even if the lady between the two ages described in eleven points was in the room, yet it was enough that chance dogfish on a chair that was not the No. 9 effondrât for everything!
And that chance, not help, because of course the lady between the two ages knows that Croizet has guessed, but she does not know what chair should be assigned to the experiment to succeed! See later, that is to say the decisive moment of the distribution of chairs. The sealed envelope containing the stack of thirty cards is drawn so carefully beaten with a towel and shown to the congregation. The seal is broken, and NG Louwerens miss, as the guests come down the stairs (at their option, that is to say, randomly), gives each of them the top card of the stack, the first to the thirtieth (...) I guess, despite his composure, that Professor Tenhaeff was a moment of emotion on seeing, sitting on the chair No. 9, a woman (...) And indeed, Mrs. DM, the guest of the chair No. 9, was at once recognized in the description of Croiset. Of the eleven points, Mrs DM was recognized in all the details. Michel im done then shared his thoughts.
(...) But it is in the course of the second session, the first of February, we touch the finger really the mystery of time. Because, finally, suppose that at the time of distributing the seats, Tenhaeff has asked the guest who was known to know, and deliberately led it to the chair # 3 ... What would have happened at the meeting of January 6, when Croiset, looking at the floor plan, said: "On the chair # 9, etc. I see." ? Will it be that Croiset Tenhaeff also knew that would do nothing of the sort? But that does not return it to say that after the first statements of Croiset, Tenhaeff lost the freedom to change his behavior? This seems inconceivable. It is recognized in passing the famous theological argument about predestination (...)
Here, it is not predestination that we think, but according to Cretan Cretan who knew that lying, and that so many tired brains Greek by his diabolical sophistry. With this exception, it is not a fallacy, but a material reality, involving acts, behavior, energy transformations. The experience of the chairs is a breach in the chain of determinism of phenomena, so that, paradoxically, the experience from this angle proves the freedom it seemed to refute earlier! "
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